Branch Coverage


290TFunless ref $self
350TFunless ref $self
410TFunless ref $self
470TFunless ref $self
530TFunless ref $self
590TFunless ref $self
670TFif ($session)
7550TFif ($class)
840TFif defined $flag
920TFif (defined $app)
950TFif ($@)
1070TFif (not $app_msg)
1130TFif ($session->last_message_type eq 'REQUEST') { }
1180TF@p ? :
1220TFunless ($coderef)
1290TFunless ($session->continue_request)
1380TFif (ref $coderef)
1430TFif ($in_request)
1570TFif ($coderef->strict)
1580TFif (@args < $coderef->argc)
1620TFif (@args)
1640TFif ($sig and exists $$sig{'params'})
1680TFif ($$s{'class'} and 'OpenSRF::Utils::JSON'->lookup_hint(ref $a) ne $$s{'class'}) { }
0TFelsif ($$s{'type'}) { }
1710TFif (lc $$s{'type'} eq 'object' and not $a =~ /HASH/o) { }
0TFelsif (lc $$s{'type'} eq 'array' and not $a =~ /ARRAY/o) { }
0TFelsif (lc $$s{'type'} eq 'number' and ref $a || !($a =~ /^-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?$/o)) { }
0TFelsif (lc $$s{'type'} eq 'string' and ref $a) { }
1910TFif (defined $resp) { }
2020TFif (UNIVERSAL::isa($e, 'Error'))
2690TFif (ref $response) { }
2790TFif (UNIVERSAL::isa($e, 'Error'))
33550TFunless $string
34250TFif (/^return (.+)$/so) { }
50TFelsif (/^param (\w+) \b(.+)$/so) { }
34750TFif $desc
35850TFunless $d or $p or $r
38550TFunless $args{'method'}
38750TFunless defined $args{'api_level'}
396100TFif (not $args{'signature'}) { }
50TFelsif (not ref $args{'signature'}) { }
50TFelsif (ref $args{'signature'} eq 'ARRAY') { }
397100TFif ($args{'notes'} and not ref $args{'notes'})
40950TFunless ($args{'object_hint'})
417100TFif $args{'stream'}
4300TFunless $session->connect
4360TFunless $session->state == $session->CONNECTED
4420TFif (UNIVERSAL::isa($list, 'Error'))
4550TFif $class eq $server_class
4660TFunless $session->connect
4680TFunless defined $meth
4690TFif defined $meth
4740TFif UNIVERSAL::isa($method, 'Error')
4770TFif exists $_METHODS[$$method{'api_level'}] and exists $_METHODS[$$method{'api_level'}]{$$method{'api_name'}}
5030TFunless defined $proto
5110TFif ('OpenSRF::Application'->thunk) { }
5130TFif (exists $_METHODS[$p]{$method})
5180TFif (exists $_METHODS[$proto]{$method})
5230TFif (defined $meth) { }
0TFelsif (not $no_recurse) { }
5240TFif ($no_remote and $$meth{'remote'})
5450TFif (not UNIVERSAL::isa($req, 'OpenSRF::AppRequest')) { }
5490TFif $self->session
5550TFif (not $$self{'remote'}) { }
5650TFif (ref $self eq 'HASH')
5700TFif ($err)
5710TFif (UNIVERSAL::isa($err, 'Error')) { }
5810TFif (ref $req and UNIVERSAL::isa($req, 'OpenSRF::AppSubrequest')) { }
5820TFif defined $resp
5860TFif defined $resp
5960TFif (UNIVERSAL::isa($remote_resp, 'Error'))
6090TFif ($session)
6290TFif ($self->api_name =~ /all$/o)
6380TFif (not $offset or $offset <= $seen)
6390TFif (not $_METHODS[$api_level]{$api_name}{'remote'})
6400TFif (defined $method) { }
6410TFif ($api_name =~ /$method/)
6420TFif (not $limit or $returned < $limit)
6480TFif (not $limit or $returned < $limit)