Branch Coverage


380TFunless defined $_[1]
390TFif exists $_CACHE{$_[1]}
440TFif (not exists $$self{'peer_handle'} or not $$self{'peer_handle'})
670TFif (not exists $$self{'peer_handle'} or not $$self{'peer_handle'})
830TFunless $sess_id and $remote_id and $service
870TFunless $sess_id and $remote_id and $service
890TFif (my $thingy = $class->find($sess_id))
940TFif ($service eq 'client')
1120TFif defined $max_requests
1390TFif defined $datum
1480TFif not $$self{'max_requests'}
1490TF$$self{'requests'} <= $$self{'max_requests'} ? :
1540TFif ($payload)
1620TFif ($type)
1630TFif $self->endpoint == SERVER()
1710TFif ($type)
1830TFif $conf->bootstrap->domains
1850TFunless ($router_name and $domain)
1960TFif defined $state
2100TFif not defined $api_level
2180TFif ($app ne 'opensrf.settings' or $c->has_config)
2310TFif (not $peer_handle)
2350TF$quiet ? :
2580TFif defined $err
2920TFif (ref $self and ($self->state and $self->state == CONNECTED())) { }
2970TFif ref $self and ($self->state and $self->state == CONNECTED())
3020TFunless defined $api_level
3040TFif not ref $self
3060TFunless $self
3390TFunless $self->state == CONNECTED()
3480TFif (not $self->session_id)
3570TFif (exists $$self{'callbacks'}{$type})
3750TFif (not $self->session_id)
3780TFif (exists $$self{'callbacks'}{'death'})
3940TFif (exists $$self{'callbacks'}{'disconnect'})
4000TFif (not $self->stateless and $self->state != DISCONNECTED())
4010TFif $self->endpoint == CLIENT()
4110TFunless $self
4170TFif (not ref $meth) { }
4330TFif (not ref $meth) { }
4480TFunless $self and $$self{'peer_handle'}
4540TFif (@payload_list % 2)
4560TFif (not @payload_list)
4700TFif ($msg_type eq 'DISCONNECT')
4720TFif ($self->state == DISCONNECTED() and not $connecting)
4770TFif ($msg_type eq 'CONNECT')
4880TFif ($msg->type eq 'REQUEST')
4890TFif (not defined $tT or $self->last_threadTrace != $tT)
4980TFif $payload
5010TFif $locale
5110TFif ($self->endpoint == CLIENT() and not $disconnect)
5150TFif ($self->stateless and $self->state != CONNECTED())
5200TFif (not $self->stateless and $self->state != CONNECTED())
5240TFunless ($self->state == CONNECTING() and $connecting)
5270TFif (not $v)
5310TFif (ref $v and $v->can('class') and $v->class->isa('OpenSRF::EX'))
5460TFif ($disconnect)
5590TFunless defined $tT
5880TFif $req
5970TFif (defined $new_last_threadTrace)
5990TFunless $old_last_threadTrace
6100TFif (defined $new_last_threadTrace)
6120TFunless $old_last_threadTrace
6230TFif (defined $new_last_message_type)
6250TFunless $old_last_message_type
6360TFif (defined $new_last_message_api_level)
6380TFunless $old_last_message_api_level
6490TFif (defined $new_remote_id)
6510TFunless $old_remote_id
6630TFif (defined $new_ua)
6650TFunless $old_ua
6760TFif (defined $new_state)
6780TFunless $old_state
6950TFif (@proto_args)
6960TFif (not @proto_args % 2) { }
0TFelsif (@proto_args == 1) { }
7050TFif (exists $args{'timeout'})
7120TFif (defined $args{'timeout'})
7190TFif (not $args{'count'})
7200TFif (wantarray) { }
7280TFif $self->complete
7320TFif ($$self{'timeout_reset'}) { }
7400TFif $$self{'remaining_recv_timeout'} <= 0
7450TFif scalar @list >= $args{'count'}
7510TFif not wantarray
7580TFif defined $out
7710TFunless $req->complete
7780TFif (not $$self{'peer_handle'})
7970TFunless $self
8450TFif (defined $timeout)
8590TFunless $self and $self->session and not $self->complete
8650TFunless $self->session
8770TFif $$self{'complete'}
8780TFif (defined $complete) { }
8800TFif $$self{'complete'}
9150TFif (not $resp)
9160TFif (UNIVERSAL::isa($resp, 'Error'))
9380TFunless $self and $self->session and not $self->complete
9460TFunless $self and $self->session and not $self->complete
9620TFunless $self and $self->session and not $self->complete
9650TFif (ref $msg and UNIVERSAL::isa($msg, 'OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsResult')) { }
9780TFunless $self and $self->session and not $self->complete
9810TFif (ref $msg and UNIVERSAL::isa($msg, 'OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsResult')) { }
10120TFif ($self->failed)
10160TFif (not $resp)
10180TFif ($finish)
10280TFif defined $resp
10430TFif $s